5 Worst Tattoos For Men

Here are the 5 worst tattoos for men:
  1. Butterfly. Believe it or not some guys go for butterfly tattoos. It just doesn't work. Besides being totally feminine, it's, well, totally feminine! This is one tattoo that should simply be reserved for the ladies. Leave the butterfly alone guys.
  2. Excessive Tribal. Tribal tattoos have gotten out of hand. They've become way too "trendy" with guys getting them without any rhyme nor reason. The latest trend has been "excessive tribal". Totally covering your arm, leg or entire side of body with tribal design. Too much, and now days considered more "silly" than "extreme".
  3. Chain Link around the Bicep. Many men jumped on the bandwagon with the chain link around the bicep and it became almost a mandatory tattoo to get for no real reason. Basically just because everyone else was getting one. Avoid these 90's style chain link tattoos for men.
  4. Feet tattoos. Tattoos on guys feet are pretty weak. Feet tattoos for women are actually very sexy. Why guys try to achieve that same "effect" is unknown. Guys feet are ugly and should be covered up with socks and shoes, not ink.
  5. Bellybutton anus tattoos. Rounding out the 5 worse tattoos for men are the the bellybutton which doubles as an anus tattoos. Guys have found these to apparently be funny, comical, and clever. However, the overwhelming feeling is that of super lame. Monkeys, cats, dogs and others have been used for this tattoo, and while they may provoke a chuckle initially, soon after the head shakes, and eyes roll, and the humor fades.

Tattoo Designs For Men

For Men, tattooing has been an effective way of demonstrating personal strength, bravery, determination, anger and pride. Finding the right tattoo designs for men that displays these qualities fashionably can be tough. However, there are a handful of tattoos designs for men to select from. Going through these different tattoos will help narrow your search and it will provide guidelines and examples of different tattoos you can get as a guy.

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Designs

The lower back is an extremely sexy place for a girl to get a tattoo. Guys just go crazy over these tattoos and girls seem to love to show them off every chance they get. You will see girls with the low cut jeans and the shirt that's a little too small showing off that perfect lower back tattoo

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