Cute Girly Tattoos

Cute Girly TattoosThere are so many fun things to do with a tattoo. Whether you're looking for something small that only you and other very special people will see, or something that no one can miss, tattoos are a great way to make a statement about yourself for the world to see. Now that there are so many great ideas out there for cute girl tattoos, why not go out and get one today?
When you're thinking about what to get, there's always the simple approach. What could be cuter than a few strategically-placed hearts or stars? One idea is to have a cluster of stars, maybe on your lower back or ankle. Hearts look great just about anywhere-particularly on your shoulder, ankle, hip, thigh, or upper chest.
Cute Girly Tattoos
Flowers are another great way to go when considering a tattoo. A great way to use flowers is to get a ring of flowers around your belly button or your ankle. A single long-stemmed rose on the back of one of your shoulders is another sweet way to use flowers.
Another idea for a single-flower look is just to put a daisy, iris, tulip, or lily bud pretty much anywhere. It'd be fun to have maybe a small bouquet of lilies twisting up and around your ankle.
Another fun way to go is with favorite phrases spelled out in other languages, particularly languages which don't use the Roman characters we see every day. Characters and words from Asian languages are very popular, as are Gaelic symbols. There are all kinds of symbols out there that can say exactly what you want them to, though they will have to get that cute guy to come over and talk to you to ask you what they mean if he wants to know about it!Cute Girly Tattoos
Also, whoever said that girls can't be sports fans? Why not get the logo of your favorite sports team, or your favorite player's (or driver's) number tattooed on your upper arm, ankle, or upper back? Guys love it when girls are sports-savvy, and this would be a great way to show your support for your school or hometown team!

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Cool Tattoos For Girls - Searching For Great Designs

Hot Tattoos For WomenFinding cool tattoos for girls is not the hardest thing in the world to accomplish. It's the part that deals with locating the "quality" artwork for your tattoo which is the problem. Too many women are running into the same kind of generic, low end designs that just don't cut it. If you are using a search-engine to find your designs, you need to listen up. I will also tell you how to uncover tons of top notch galleries that you have never seen.
The number one reason I say not to rely on a search engine to find cool tattoos for girls is because of the quality of the images you will find. Most of the tattoos galleries you will bump into will be nothing but low end websites that plop any kind of image on their pages, as long as it looks decently good. In fact, most of the designs they put up are over eight years old and already posted on about two hundred other galleries across the net. Where's the originality in that?
When looking for cool tattoos for girls through a search0engiene, that's not even the worst part, though...
Hot Tattoos For WomenThe worst issue is that a ton of the images at these tattoo galleries were not even supposed to be used as a real tattoo! That's right. Like I said, they don't care what kind of designs they plop on their site, as long as they get more cool tattoos for girls up. It's sad, because many women end up picking a design like this and go to get it tattooed. Little do they know that it won't look anywhere near as good as it looked on paper. That's what happens when images are implemented as a tattoo when they weren't drawn that way.
Ok, enough of that. Here is how to locate tons of cool tattoos for girls that you will appreciate...
It's not some new revolutionary way of searching on the web and there are no hoops to jump through to find truly cool tattoos for girls. It's actually as simple as becoming friends with internet forums. There are a ton of huge forums on the net and tattoo artwork happens to be a very large subject inside of a lot of them. With that said, you better believe that the subject about finding the quality tattoo galleries comes up a lot. This is like striking oil for you, because this is where a slew of links are posted by the women that have found the hidden galleries to there that you just can't seem to locate when relying on a search-engine. You can find any cool tattoos for girls you want and they tend to be far superior in quality to the ones you have been seeing. It's just a simple and fun way to locate the perfect tattoos for your tastes.
No matter which cool tattoos for girls you might be in search of, just make sure that the one you choose is the one you are 100% sure about.

Free Tattoo Flash Art - Finding Quality and Printable Designs of Tattoos

Tattoo flash are images that are pre-drawn or created by tattoo artists and put as displays on the walls of studios or filed in binders to serve as reference for clients looking for ideas and designs for their tats. The traditional flash are hand-drawn on a piece of paper or cardboard, mass produced usually for rapid tattooing.
Examples of traditional flash are designs such as pinup girls, anchor, eagle, heart, dragon and rose tattoos. Those were the early, old school types of tat images that were displayed on the walls of shops which were convenient for those looking to get tattooed. They were drawings that are not complicated and can easily be inked on the chosen body part in one seating.
Nowadays, a lot of these hand drawn tattoo flash are being replaced by works done by professional flash artists who produce them through computer software and sell them on the internet or in conventions. If you Google tattoo designs online, you can be faced with tons of choices which can actually be overwhelming. However, sad to say, a lot of these search results are of low and poor quality especially the free ones. A lot of them are the cookie cutter types that have been used by thousand others; you would not want that, do you?
If you want quality flash tattoos, you can find them on the internet. Disregard the free ones as they aren't any great. Read reviews about the top galleries online and take your pick depending on what your needs are. Just keep an open mind and be precise on what you really want and soon your search will be over for that perfect tattoo designs that you have been dreaming of.

A Bouquet of Hawaiian Flower Tattoo Pictures

Hot Tattoos For WomenMany people like to have flower designs applied as tattoos to their body and a Hawaiian flower tattoo picture is one of the most popular images for this as it’s a very beautiful flower. Because of the intense colors that are present in many flowers the tattoo artist sometimes needs to go over a design for a flower a few times with different colors of ink that can accentuate the colors in any flower tattoo.
Some people have small tattoos of flowers on their ankle or wrist for example while others may have a flower that covers half their body. Some cultures value flowers mush more than others and this is one of the reason why some cultural groups prefer to have flower tattoos on their bodies more than others. In many cultures for example, the flower isn’t viewed as a fragile symbol of beauty as it often is in North American culture. In some cultures the flower is associated with strength and power and this is why some men have flowers as tattoos and don’t think anything is feminine or fragile about it.
Hot Tattoos For WomenMany women, when they can’t decide on what they might like for a tattoo, choose flowers more often than not simply because they know that they will like the design for many years to come. There are many styles and types of flower designs in tattoo shop catalogs that the customer can choose from. These designs can also be highly modified to make them even more unique for the customer.
Many Hawaiian people have flower tattoos due to the flower’s integral attachment to their past. Many of their tales have flowers as part of the story and that’s also why the lei – or rings of flowers - are associated with their state. Flower tattoos can be in any of a thousand colors and some will look better than others on different people.
Hot Tattoos For WomenMany women when they choose a flower motif as their tattoo image will choose the red rose simply because it’s associated with romance and true love. Others will choose the daisy or sunflower because it’s associated with vibrancy and life. The main thing to remember is that if you want a flower tattoo you should make sure that whatever design you decide upon is what you really want. Doing research on web sites devoted to tattooing or to flowers and flower designs can help you decide on which design might be right for you. The nice thing about having a flower tattoo is that if you want another style of flower someday you can simply have the tattoo artist ink one in next to the other one. Pretty soon you may have a whole bouquet of flowers on your body, which isn’t a bad thing at all.

Black and Grey Tattoos

Black and Grey TattoosThe bark is the best accessible allotment of the body; appropriately this is additionally the best allotment to be accentuated if you ambition to attending great. There are abounding options that you can do to accept a bark that speaks of your personality like you can either administer a tanning balm to feel adult or accept to blanch your bark if you would like to be delightful. Furthermore, you can alike ink yourself with adorable tattoos like the atramentous and blah tattoos for example.
The atramentous and blah is advised as the oldest blazon of tattoos that this is now done by altered artisan who never fails to accommodate a beauteous result. The blush acclimated in this assignment of art are alone atramentous and blah back they tend to highlight accustomed beef which is not tattooed, or intermittently some white to access a added affecting result. The inks acclimated in this action are sourced from Magnetite Crystals, Wustite, Powdered Jet, Logwood, and Bone Black. As you can see, these are the agnate capacity which are begin in India art ink.

Black and Grey TattooLet it be accepted as able-bodied that atramentous and blah tattoos are actual abundant airy the amercement created by the sun. In case you would commonly assignment alfresco and you are not addicted of application sun block, this one is the best anatomy art to have. Furthermore, this blazon does not aching as abundant as atramentous ones do. This is because in the action of accepting a atramentous tattoo, there is a claim to administer colorant to anniversary aboveboard inch of the skin. Through the use of atramentous and blah colors, the concealment is acquired through the acclimated of beneath colorant appropriately it commonly hurts less.
Black and gray tattoos would commonly accord a abrogating association back atramentous is commonly associated with afterlife and gray provides the association of actuality dull. In fact, it has its agent in bastille beef because this is the attribute of their abridgement of alternative and this additionally represents their arid life. And back convicts would commonly do annihilation central their cell, they would ink ample tattoos aloof to annihilate time. But because of the about-face of generation, tattoos are not aloof acclaimed in prisons.

Cute Fairy TattooOn the added hand, atramentous and gray tattoos can accommodate absolute connotations because this offers the aberration amid the ablaze blush of the bark and the atramentous of the ink. If you would rather accept a absolute association with the use of this tattoo, anticipate about the atramentous atramentous beard of Snow White back this provides a adverse on her white skin. Atramentous tattoos are active to accommodate an announcement that all the abrogating animosity and thoughts aural are let go.
Grab these amazing colors appropriate now and you are apprenticed to get article that will bout any attending and accoutrement that you intend to wear. Aloof attending for the best architecture that you can get, article that will allege of your personality.

Girl Tattoos Places

Girl Tattoos PlacesMen and girl there is a difference in the selection places tattoo.

Usual places for a man to have a tattoo is on the chest, shoulder or upper arm. Girls fashion can be some what revealing, so having a tattoo on those parts can limit a girls wardrobe if it needs to be hidden. Girls have to consider weather the tattoo will look good when wearing a bikini or wedding dress. Which means they are generally more careful, making sure that a tattoo is easily concealed in professional clothing.Girl Tattoos Places
Before searching for a sexy girl tattoo, deciding where it will be on the body is the first step. Popular places for girls are on the lower back, between the shoulder blades and below the belly button. These positions seem to reflect the latest fashion as they can be easily covered up or put on show. Avoid having a tattoo on the upper chest or breast. Pregnancy or late age can cause the tattoo to stretch and become ruined.Girl Tattoos Places
Sexy girl tattoo designs are often butterflies, flowers, shooting stars, dolphins and cute fairies. Although it's exciting getting a tattoo, time should always be taken to pick a design. Hundreds of people have rushed in and just picked a design from the tattoo parlors books, to then find they don't really like it or their friend got the exact same design the day before.

By : Phie

The Tribal Tattoo Art

The Tribal Tattoo ArtTribal tattoos are generally influenced by tribal art from native and indigenous tribes. The tribal tattoo art comes from the older tribes such as the Celtics (Ireland, Scotland, & Wales), the Maori Tribe (indigenous people of New Zealand), the North American Tribal, the African Tribal, the Marquesan (Polynesian inhabitants of the Marquises Islands) and the tribes of Borneo.
Celtic Tattoo Art
Celtic tattoo art come from Ireland. Celtic knot tattoos are some of the most popular and most common designs, featuring loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth. There are also Celtic cross and animal tattoo designs as well
Mori Tribal tattoo Art
The Maori, the aborigines of New Zealand, call their tribal tattoo "Moko" and Mori art is incredible to behold. To the Maori, a person's Moko designs enhanced their prestige and show transition from one social status to another. At its highest level, Moko designs proclaimed the sacredness of chieftainship.
North American Tribal Art
There are many Indian tribes in North America and many different traditions for tribal tattooing. It was very common for tattoos to denote rank within the tribe. Take the Illinois Indians for example. It was quite common for weapons of war to be tattooed upon the men and it is suggested by some that the women received tattoos of tools used for labor. The tools of war outranked the tools of labor. This was, to the best of my knowledge, their tradition. They seemingly kept their practices to a minimum.
Samoa Tribal tattoo art
The Samoan tribal tattoo was done with a carved boar tusk, sharpened with a piece of coral, attached to a turtle shell, and then affixed to a stick. This tool is used to carve the designs into the flesh by tapping it against the skin and then a mixture of candle nut soot and sugar water is rubbed into the resulting wound.
Marquesan Tribal tattoo art
Sea-faring Polynesians from Samoa colonized the Marquises Islands as early as 300 A.D. They were warring tribes who sometimes cannibalized their enemies. Marquesan art is very uncommon. Most tribal tattoos are done with one specific object and the size variation is minimal. This is not so with the Pacific.
African Tribal tattoo art
Tribes in Africa do not use pigment for tattooing, they cut the skin and either the wound is packed with a substance so that it becomes raised or it is rubbed with ash or sand until the wound rises up, then the scar is the tattoo.
Borneo Tribal tattoo Art
Borneo is the third largest island in the world. The Dayak people reside here for centuries, they believe that spirits are in everything around them. For this reason they believe that by tattooing an object or creature on them they can draw energy from these spirits.
The Tribal Tattoo ArtWhile the tribal tattoo was originally used to identify members of specific tribes, represent battles fought, and to serve as the symbolization of social status, today tribal tattoo art is a popular fashion. a lot of people today choose various designs simply for aesthetic reasons. Some of the most popular designs include dragon, butterfly and suntribal tattoos. This tattoo can be put virtually anywhere on the body, The back and arms are usually the most common areas where people have them applied, but the ankle, calf, and chest are also used.
The Tribal tattoo art expresses personal freedom and uniqueness of the wearer. Tribal art has a simple appeal that reinforces a positive feeling about ourselves and connects us to ancient mystery of the tribal rituals, which faded away with history.

Getting Crisp and Quality Woman Chest Tattoo

Getting Crisp and Quality Woman Chest TattooWorking your way to good, quality drawn female chest tattoos is nothing to sneeze at. Say that with as much respect as possible, because way too many women (and even men) are not finding the really good artwork on the net. In fact, it's even worse than that, because most don't even get to "one" decent site that has any sort of quality artwork. You can easily switch this rend around, though, while finding amazing female chest tattoos.
This little trick works for every style of tattoo, no matter if it's for chests or you're just looking for a simple ankle tattoo. I just thought it was necessary to bring this up about female chest tattoos, because the last thing you want on there is some generic design that you regret. There's not much you can do about it at that point. So, let's break it down plain and simple.
Do you have any ideas as to why so many women struggle to pull up even one site that has good, crisp, quality drawn tattoo designs? It's pretty simple, actually. People have become way too reliant on search engines when hunting for tattoo artwork. Long story short, it's just not working out the way most people think it will. Instead of finding great female chest tattoos, you end up with the complete opposite.Getting Crisp and Quality Woman Chest Tattoo
You get a horrid list of sites that have more generic junk and more cookie cutter designs than you could ever imagine. This is the only type of site that search engines seem to want to pull up for people. It's a shame. None of the really good tattoo galleries are popping up, which means that you will never really see many of the quality drawn female chest tattoos available to you.
This will continue to happen until you know of another way to look for good artwork. The good news is that I'll tell you what a better way is right now. In fact, it's 500 times better than using a search engine. Hat you want to do is use forums to your advantage. They are sensational tools for finding some of the most amazing female chest tattoos, but only about 5% of the population takes advantage of the wealth of info most forums have on tattoo related subjects.
The big forums out there always have boat loads of past topics on subjects revolving around tattoo artwork. Like I just said, many of those topics are going to be filled with people who share their findings of top notch artwork. You get to see the hidden galleries around the web that actually take pride in having the best artwork possible. That's the kind of female chest tattoos you want to see. Not the same generic junk that's been floating aimlessly around the web for a better part of a decade.

Tribal Chest Tattoos

Tribal Chest Tattoos
Many forms of tattoos and model.
One of them is the tribal chest tattoo.
Tribal tattoos appeal simply, both to our psyche and emotions. They seem to convey specific emotions that communicate us to something beyond our comprehension. They were also used as a form of tribal identification. If you put on the wrong tattoo, it will risk your chances of being one of the tribe and they might just permanently mark you as an outsider. Many have recently emerged from their unsavory reputation of the recent past. In fact these tattoos have gained increasing prominence in the past decade.
Tribal Chest Tattoos recounts the history of body decoration, explains the meanings and myths behind the symbols, and offers many patterns that can be combined into new motifs. All the designs included can be enlarged and traced to decorate any part of the body. Tribal tattoos have lot of black ink that holds up the tattoo very well and does not fade like other colors. The designs of tribal tattoos are popular and it is easy to design one.

Tribe members would carve patterns into blocks of wood and then transfer it onto the skin. Tribes such as the Iban would then borrow tattoo motifs from the Kayan and others and adapt to suit their own tribe. Tribes in Africa tend to do this more than anything else. Wounds are cut into the skin and either the wound is packed with a substance so that it becomes raised or it is rubbed with ash or sand until the wound rises up.
These type are very popular, however, since many individuals long to feel connected to the past, to resurrect the ideals of their ancestors and to create or continue the common thread that weaves in and out through human existence. Aside from tribal tattoos, there are many other groups of tattoo ideas. Tribal tattoos have the same effects when done tastefully. They symbolize power, energy, force, ability and skill.

They will hit the deepest personalty when finished tastefully. They represent power, energy, force, knowledge and skill. Many that have a lot of detail can be a bit complex, both to draw and to tattoo. No matter what you have in mind for your design, you can rest assured that it can be accomplished.

By : Phie

Lower Back Tribal Tattoos - Choosing the Best

The lower back is an excellent location for a tattoo. The area provides a fairly large canvass for the tattoo artist but is easily covered by your clothing when displaying a tattoo might be inappropriate. You can chose from a large number of beautiful designs. The only drawback is that you won't easily be able to admire your tattoo without a mirror.

Low cut jeans and bikinis make these tattoos especially popular with the ladies. While easily concealed on formal occasions or at the office, back tattoos are also easily displayed in less formal settings. Pictograms and floral designs are popular for these tattoos. Few men chose back tattoos, choosing to place their tattoos on the upper back. Women wear clothing that may show an upper back tattoo when they would prefer it not be visible which makes the lower back their ideal location.

The size of the area allows a great deal of flexibility in the design.

Popular designs include floral designs, celtic knotwork, picture designs with people or animals, and occasionally tribal art. Tribal art, with its bold black lines tends to be more popular with men than women. You can choose a tattoo for just the center of the back, or one that goes from hip to hip. Many lower back tattoos are triangular in shape.

Among the animal images, dolphins are very popular. Lower back tattoos are often chosen by women who have an affinity for the beach because dolphins are a symbol of the sea. Butterfly designs are another top pick whether for a smaller center tattoo or a large design.

Some women prefer dragons with sinuous lines. Fairies and roses and occasionally hearts can all be used in lower back tattoos. The tattoos can be a picture which relates a story, or simply an attractive design.

In addition to being easily displayed or covered, the lower back is often chosen as the location for a tattoo by women because of its sex appeal. Men often find a woman's hips or buttocks to be sexually attractive, and a lower back tattoo calls attention to those areas. Men who have tattoos on the lower back generally extend them well above the waist, while women keep them below the waist.

Wherever you get a tattoo, make sure you like the design. It will be with you for a long time. Don't chose a design that's too trendy, it will be out of fashion next year and you'll still have the same tattoo. It's unwise to use husband's or boyfriends names in your tattoo.

Tattoos are created with needles that penetrate your skin and for that reason, they carry a risk of infection. It is important that you care for your tattoo for about a week after it is applied. Your tattoo artist will tell you how to clean and dress your tattoo and with lower back tattoos, you may need someone to help you since it is an awkward area to reach by yourself.

There are lots of designs available for lower back tattoos. Check out online tattoo websites and your local tattoo artist's portfolio before making your choice. You may opt to create your own unique design by combining ideas from several designs. Chose a design you love now and will love in the future.

Back Tattoos - Tattoos in Your Mirror

Back TattoosBack tattoos are amazingly accepted today, and accept been for years. Why? Anticipate about it. What's the absolute canvas for your gorgeous, high-detail boom that you, a acquaintance or a able artisan has spent hours developing? Your stern, of course! There are a cardinal of affidavit to acclaim aback tattoos. There are things to anticipate about afore you get one, too.
• Aback tattoos accomplish use of contour. The after bark is a flattish surface, and what this agency for your beam is that it'll appearance your anxiously called architecture in a added adumbrative way than a boom on say, your leg or arm.
• Aback tattoos acquiesce for size. Your torso's about-face ancillary is the better apparent on the body, and it is accessible to get detail and ambit actuality that aloof wouldn't be accessible on say, a leg, arm or ankle.
• Aback tattoos can crave coverage. Let's face it, no amount how alluringly your boom dances adjoin the bass planes of your body, for best of us, there are situations breadth it is all-important to awning up, if alike at a accumulated awards function. This is no botheration with aback tattoos, abnormally for guys.
• Fourth, the about-face ancillary of your anatomy has alone about 100 actor fretfulness in it. Ouch, that ability complete like a lot, but there are article like a billion fretfulness in your accomplished absolute body. The acumen this is important is that there's potentially a lot beneath ache accepting a absolutely big aback boom than accepting absolutely baby ink on your wrist.

Back TattoosSo now you can see what a acceptable breadth this is for your admirable new ink. The catechism is, are you activity to awning every inch of your stern, or are you activity to save some amplitude for later?
Well, you may or may not accept anticipation about this, but a aback boom can extend from the abject of your skull to the end of your buttocks, or it can be on aloof one section. Anticipate of the sections as upper, average and lower. Then anticipate of anniversary of these sections accepting a adapted and larboard side. This gives you a absolute of six squares to assignment with. A right-left-right pattern, formed from top to bottom, gives adorable agreement while actuality a bit added abnormal than the convenance of tattooing in aloof the upper, average or lower sections. Chase a "Z" for best results.
Okay now, bethink aback I mentioned coverage? Advantage is altered for women than it is for men. For a guy who needs to attending bourgeois already in a while, a nice shirt will awning actually every bit of ink. For a woman in the aforementioned situation, say, an black at the opera or ballet with your dad, the exact about-face is true. Best dressier, added academic looks for women appearance added skin, not less. There's no catechism this is a above acumen why lower aback tattoos are amid the best accepted for women. It's appealing asinine that these tattoos accept become universally accepted as Tramp Stamps, aback women are mostly aloof aggravating to accomplish an adapted best of location. Anyway, for the girls, that's the alone abode your aback boom can go if your needs appeal absolute beard at any point in your future.
Just in case you don't accept your ink already chosen, what do bodies boom on the after genitalia of their bodies?

Back TattoosWell, it's simplest to anticipate of two categories: images that accept to do with the absolute breadth of the aback tattoo, and images that charge a lot of detail to be successful. Examples of images that accept to do with the absolute breadth accommodate angel wings on your accept blades, a aback boom of an absolute analgesic column, or chakra symbols on the agnate credibility of the spine. Ideas of pics that charge a ton of detail to attending acceptable ability be a ample butterfly garden, a flat wave, the bank of your homeland, the argument to a ballad from your admired song. You get the idea.
Back tattoos can be attractive and absolutely unique, as castigation will be if you chase these guidelines aback you're planning it. Whether you plan to accept the absolute Mona Lisa agilely active assimilate every accessible inch of after skin, or you intend instead to use this breadth as a work-in-progress, bushing in one area at a time, the aback boom is one of the best able choices for your new ink.

The Tribal Tattoo Art

Tribal tattoos are generally influenced by tribal art from native and indigenous tribes. The tribal tattoo art comes from the older tribes such as the Celtics (Ireland, Scotland, & Wales), the Maori Tribe (indigenous people of New Zealand), the North American Tribal, the African Tribal, the Marquesan (Polynesian inhabitants of the Marquises Islands) and the tribes of Borneo.

Celtic Tattoo Art

Celtic tattoo art come from Ireland. Celtic knot tattoos are some of the most popular and most common designs, featuring loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth. There are also Celtic cross and animal tattoo designs as well

Mori Tribal tattoo Art

The Maori, the aborigines of New Zealand, call their tribal tattoo "Moko" and Mori art is incredible to behold. To the Maori, a person's Moko designs enhanced their prestige and show transition from one social status to another. At its highest level, Moko designs proclaimed the sacredness of chieftainship.

North American Tribal Art

There are many Indian tribes in North America and many different traditions for tribal tattooing. It was very common for tattoos to denote rank within the tribe. Take the Illinois Indians for example. It was quite common for weapons of war to be tattooed upon the men and it is suggested by some that the women received tattoos of tools used for labor. The tools of war outranked the tools of labor. This was, to the best of my knowledge, their tradition. They seemingly kept their practices to a minimum.

Samoa Tribal tattoo art

The Samoan tribal tattoo was done with a carved boar tusk, sharpened with a piece of coral, attached to a turtle shell, and then affixed to a stick. This tool is used to carve the designs into the flesh by tapping it against the skin and then a mixture of candle nut soot and sugar water is rubbed into the resulting wound.

Marquesan Tribal tattoo art

Sea-faring Polynesians from Samoa colonized the Marquises Islands as early as 300 A.D. They were warring tribes who sometimes cannibalized their enemies. Marquesan art is very uncommon. Most tribal tattoos are done with one specific object and the size variation is minimal. This is not so with the Pacific.

African Tribal tattoo art

Tribes in Africa do not use pigment for tattooing, they cut the skin and either the wound is packed with a substance so that it becomes raised or it is rubbed with ash or sand until the wound rises up, then the scar is the tattoo.

Borneo Tribal tattoo Art

Borneo is the third largest island in the world. The Dayak people reside here for centuries, they believe that spirits are in everything around them. For this reason they believe that by tattooing an object or creature on them they can draw energy from these spirits.

While the tribal tattoo was originally used to identify members of specific tribes, represent battles fought, and to serve as the symbolization of social status, today tribal tattoo art is a popular fashion. a lot of people today choose various designs simply for aesthetic reasons. Some of the most popular designs include dragon, butterfly and suntribal tattoos. This tattoo can be put virtually anywhere on the body, The back and arms are usually the most common areas where people have them applied, but the ankle, calf, and chest are also used.

Girl and Tattoos Designs

Girl and Tattoos Designs
A tattoo can be very sexy and alluring; the problem is finding the perfect design that is right for you and not already on the body of thousands of others?
If you want a tattoo that fits your personality and says exactly what you want it to say, then you need expert advice. If all you do is use a search engine to find your tattoo design, then all you will end up with is a por quality, outdated design.
If you are using nothing more than the search engines to give you designs, then you will only be getting poor quality, outdated designs that really limit your choices and don’t expose you to the high quality designs that proessional tattoo studios provide.
So how do you choose the perfect Girl Design Tattoo?
If you want a tattoo that isn’t on the body of a thousand other people and will look the same on your body as the way it does in the image you view, then you need to go somewhere that specialises in professional tattoo designs.
Below is a link to a Website for finding the best, high quality Girl Tattoo Designs. This site offers the convenience for you to search online in your own time to find that perfect tattoo. Once you make a selection, it is a simple matter to print it and take it to your nearest tattooist to get yourself inked.

You can be sure that the tattoo you choose has been designed specifically for the task and will give a much better result.
Finding the perfect Girl Tattoos Designs has never been easier.

Stomach Tattoo Ideas

Stomach Tattoo IdeasHave you been crawling the internet, probably Google Images, to find stomach tattoo ideas or a number of other design ideas? Well if so, then I bet you have been finding a lot of the same examples of tattoos over and over, either that, or none that are really appealing enough to have permanently tattooed onto your body for life. I know that was the case for me, and it drove me nuts because I really wanted to find the perfect design that would not leave me feeling like I was settling for something less than I envisioned.
I do not think anyone should have to settle for their first or last tattoo even, this is why I am writing to inform you of a resource that will be of great help whether you are in need of unique stomach tattoo ideas or any other number of design ideas for all of your tattoo wants. The resource is a membership to one of the popular tattoo websites available.
Stomach Tattoo IdeasBy joining one of these membership websites, you will have the ability to browse thousands of creative tattoo ideas, tattoo videos, uploaded pictures of other members tattoo work, and even a directory of tattoo studios in 38 different countries; paying a onetime fee of around 30 dollars, will basically get you the Cadillac of tattoo experiences, for life.
If you cannot justify spending a few dollars on reducing the stress that accompanies finding awesome stomach tattoo ideas or any other tattoo design idea that you might want throughout the course of your life, then you can easily justify it by dividing the cost between you and a friend who can then both use the same membership to access the site you choose.
Stomach Tattoo IdeasWhether you are searching for one tattoo or plan on maybe getting more later, a tattoo membership website is the best and most efficient choice you can make. The few sites that stand out amongst the pack are Tattoo-Me-Now, Tattoo My Brain, and Chopper-Tattoo. My personal favorite is Tattoo-Me-Now because of the amount of extra features they offer in addition to their stomach tattoo ideas and thousands of other designs, for a price that is not much higher than that of its competitors. Although their extra features are not completely necessary, they create the sense of a community, which I enjoy.

Tattoo Design and Art

Tattoo Design and Art

Tattoo Design and Art

Tattoo Design and Art

Body Electric Tattoo

Body Electric Tattoo

Body Electric Tattoo

Body Electric Tattoo

The Story of Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoo

The Nightmare before Christmas is a classic film with a big fan following, so, ever since it came out years ago, Nightmare before Christmas tattoos have been gaining popularity. Everyone wants to get in on the action and have one of these incredibly cool tattoos!
As you may be aware, the movie featured a character named Jack Skellington. The premise is that Jack was the Pumpkin King who lived in Halloween Town. He was extremely bored there, so he visited Christmas Town. What he found there caused him to try to spice up his own town and things got a bit crazy from there.
If you love the movie, you will love the tattoos. Nightmare before Christmas tattoo designs are just as varied as other tattoo designs. You might choose to start out Oogie Boogie or one of the other characters. If you are feeling like getting a more adventurous Nightmare before Christmas Tattoo, on the other hand, you might want to get a large tattoo featuring a Christmas Town or Halloween Town scene in greater detail. No matter what you choose, the result will be a fun image to show off anywhere. Remember, though, not everything needs to be done at once. You could always start off small and add to your Nightmare before Christmas tattoo images later.
As with any other tattoo, location is also important. This is where a little planning comes into play. As mentioned above, you do not need to get your entire Nightmare before Christmas tattoo done at once. However, if you do want to get a large tattoo or you think you might want to make your Nightmare before Christmas tattoo larger and more elaborate later, you need to consider where you are going to put it. Your back or your stomach will lend themselves better to larger tattoos, while smaller ones could be placed almost anywhere on your body that you wish.
When deciding where to place your Nightmare before Christmas tattoo, you should consider the clothing you like to wear and exactly how often you want to show off your tattoo as well. If you get a tattoo on your arm, for instance, it will be more visible than other areas.
There are so many Nightmare before Christmas tattoos to choose from that you can simply pick a design from anywhere on the internet and go with it. However, if you want to add your own personal interpretations of the movie and give it a little extra personal touch, your tattoo artist can help you to do that.
So, if you enjoyed the Nightmare before Christmas movie then you may want to immortalize the feeling by adding Jack Skellington or some other aspect of the film as body art!

What Makes Tattoo Art Popular?

A tattoo is a certain kind of marking done in the layer of the skin through the use of ink. The ink is inserted into the skin which results into a change of appearance of skin by giving it a sort of a design or decoration. Many people have used tattoo art for many reasons.

• In the past tattoos served as rites of passage that show a man or a woman has finally reached the age where he or she can be considered an adult and has therefore passed childhood.
• Tattoo art has also been used to show the rank of a person in a society or in a group. Tattoos are status symbols in many societies in the world back in the old days.
• Tattoo art has also been used to symbolize bravery and heroism.
• There are some people who also have tattoos as a sexual lure or a sign of fertility.
• Some people also consider tattoos as amulets. Tattoos are worn for protection.
• Tattoo art has also become famous with outcasts, slaves, and convicts. These people has a certain form of tattoo art to show their experiences and their views about the society they live in. Some of them have tattoos to draw respect and fright from people who see it.

These days tattoo has grown preponderance in many societies.

• Some believe that through tattoo they are able to express themselves and their views about many things.
• Some wore tattoos for cosmetic reasons.
• Some use tattoos for identification. Many groups or gangs identify their friends or foes through the tattoos they wear in their body.
• Some tattoos have religious and magical purposes.
• Some wear tattoos because of the sheer beauty of having it in the body.
• There are some who choose to have tattoos because they think they are sexier and they are able to flaunt a certain asset in their body.

Tattoo art has achieved popularity in many places in the world and is still widely patronized. Back in the old days, some consider tattooing a taboo because of the stigma attached to it. In the modern days, tattoo art has become prevalent that more and more people wanted to have a tattoo in their body. The popularity is even more magnified because of the many Hollywood actors, actresses or personalities who flaunt tattoos in their body.

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