Hot and Sexy Japanese Tattoo Designs For Females

Those who have a few tattoos probably know how hard and the time and effort it can take to find the perfect tattoo and the perfect design.  It can almost be down right frustrating at times.  It seems people are always wanting to find something that is different, unique, sexy and original.  Well, right now is a great time to get a tattoo because the world of tattoo designs for women is growing at a super fast pace.  In fact female tattoo designs are growing faster then any other segment of the industry.  Thus has lead to a lot of new developments in tattoo designs for women.  One of those is the use of traditional Japanese tattoo designs.
The Adaption
When most people think of Japanese tattoos and their designs images of the hardened Yakuza gangsters with full body tattoos comes to mind.  yes for centuries tattooing was done in Japan on Yakuza and criminals.  That is where many of the traditional and very beautiful designs came from.  However, these designs have gone through a rebirth of sorts or a renaissance as of late.  The designs have been taken apart and broken down and then brighter colors from new inks have been added in to make smaller, cute and feminine tattoo designs.  For example the Koi fish was  a very traditional Japanese tattoo for males.  Yet many women are getting koi fish for the beauty and strength but they are not doing them on the whole back for the most part.  Instead they are using bright colors of the koi fish and then adding in beautiful full color waves and splashed into a quarter sleeve design.  The point here is one can easily take part of a much larger and more traditional design and adapt it to fit in a smaller and sexier area.
Popular Themes
There are a lot of very popular themes among Japanese tattoo designs.  The symbolism and meaning behind these tattoo is very deep and rich and often embedded into the Japanese culture and religion.  For those of us getting a Japanese tattoo here in the west it can be smart to find out about the meaning and symbolism of the tattoo before getting it inked on your body permanently.  Here are some of the hottest and sexiest designs for females right now.
Koi Fish
Typically one would not think of a fish as beautiful.  Unless of course you are a fisherman or love to eat fish.  However, for the Japanese and many westerners the Koi fish represents the spirit of individuality and going against the norm or status quo.  It is believed that koi fish typically swim back up stream to mate.  Thus makes them very unusually int he fish world and an obvious sign of strength on their part.  Therefore they can make for a wonderfully symbolic tattoo and design.  Also with the new brightness in the inks available the water and gold of a koi fish really stand out.
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry blossoms are another deeply historical and symbolic for the Japanese.  They are also seen as a thing of great beauty.  In fact many Japanese will go and visit a local park just to see the Cherry Blossoms.  However, they also represent the impermanence of life and how life like a flower can be very beautiful but also fragile.
Finding An Artist
Another very important thing to consider if you are wanting to get a sexy and feminine Japanese tattoo is the artist that is going to ink  the work on your skin.  You want to find someone who will not only listen to your ideas but also provide feedback and input to help you refine your ideas.  It is also beneficial to try and find someone with background in Japanese tattoo designs.  Thus they can help you understand the symbolism behind certain parts of the tattoo and certain designs.
Sexy Locations
Of course there are a ton of locations that are very sexy on a females body and also many areas that work well with a tattoo.  Of course there is always the lower back design.  There is also the front top of the hip, the foot, thigh and neck.  Any of these places can easily be considered for a great looking hot and sexy female tattoo design.

The Tattoo As a Part of Underworld Gangsters By Joanne R. Graham Platinum Quality Author

The land of the rising sun, that's how people describe Japan. This is where different types of people are situated, from popular celebrities, electronic experts, robots and gangsters. In addition to that, culture and tradition have a huge influence in their everyday living. The Japanese are also excellent when it comes to visual designs. One of the popular designs used until now is the Japanese tattoo art.
History of Japanese tattooing
Archeologists concluded that tattoos started from early settlers in Japan or the so called "Ainu" tribe. Back to the early civilization, tattoos were used as facial identities. This is how people determined what tribe they belonged and what tradition they performed. Japanese tattoo art has been present for around centuries. But as years passed, simple tattoo designs turned into innovative and meaningful images. Aside from flowers and dragons, Japanese are now featuring endless choices including heroes and weapons used in wars.
Tattoo designs featured by gangsters of Japan
Japan is also known for underworld gangsters like Yakuza for example. In the past, tattoos are illegal to Japanese people and this thing was distinguished from the rest of the population. Although, there were people who have tattoos in their bodies, still authorities marked tattooed individuals as criminals. These individuals have discriminated the whole people in Japan. This is the main reason of forming underworld gangster known as "Yakuza".
Women as part of gangland society
Since then, tattoos were worn by these people symbolizing status and dedication. As featured in several movies, Yakuza tattoos involved magnificent styles and full body masterpieces. The design is quite difficult. It comprises complex curves, circles and Japanese symbols that only tattoo experts can do. During early years, Yakuza's members only involved men. Today, many women also become integral parts of Japan's gangland society.
As part of the gangster's tradition, wives and girlfriends of top Yakuza members often undergo extensive tattooing. Even in some countries, Japanese tattoo art was still in used. Try watching WWE and you'll see that some wrestlers get inked with these designs, including the world's famous Rey Mysterio and Japanese's pride Rikishi.
Japanese tattoo art is increasingly popular in the world today. Thanks to people of Japan for creating these meaningful images. Regardless of gangsters, the art of tattoo will always represent freedom for everyone. If you're interested with this kind of art, you should decide first. You should understand that tattoos are lifetime responsibilities. In order to avoid regrets in the future, you should have the willingness to carry it for the rest or your life.
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